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Welcome to Basic Shiksha Academy - Reforming Minds


Our mission is to make basic education free or accessible at minimum cost which is a right of every student through best possible resources.
Students can access the resources anytime anywhere and any number of times.



“Right to Education” is a basic right of human and it cannot be sold or bought. In this expensive world we want to help student to learn with no cost.

Nation First




1) Free Live Class Education from Class 6th-12th. 

    (CBSE/UP/UK/Bihar/MP Board, NCERT Syllabus Based)

2) Video Library for unlimited access

3) Scholarship for students minimum 3000/- one time.

4) Sponsorship for graduation program (Excluding Medical).

5) Job Placement, after graduation.

6) Startup funding for NGO's students.


Scholarship Registration Link:
